To vibrate Android device in the Unity, you need only one line of code. which is, Handheld.Vibrate(); that's All. IF you develop the multi-platform app, Add pre-processor command to avoid the compilation error. #if UNITY_ANDROIDHandheld.Vibrate();#endif Enjoy your job.
android vibrate 검색 결과
How to call vibrate effect in cocos2dx environment ? Here is simple example code to call vibrate effect in cocos2dThis sample based on C++ with Visual studioFirst, create service class to call vibrate whenever you want. [DeviceServices.h]class DeviceServices{public:DeviceServices();~DeviceServices(); // Android vibrate effect call methodvoid callVibrateEffect();}; [DeviceServices.cpp]#include "D..
Cocos2dx 개발환경에서 안드로이드 기기에서 진동을 호출 할려면?생각보다 간단해요^^간단한 설명과 함께 소스코드도 같이 올려 드릴께요 먼저 Visual Studio 개발환경에서 코드에요 (C++) 서비스 클래스를 만들어서 아무곳에서나 진동함수를 호출 할 수 있게 만들어 줍니다. [DeviceServices.h]class DeviceServices{public:DeviceServices();~DeviceServices(); // 진동 호출 함수void callVibrateEffect();}; [DeviceServices.cpp]#include "DeviceServices.h" DeviceServices::DeviceServices(){}DeviceServices::~DeviceServices(){} #..